Divine religion

Hello, and peace to you.

This is a small site about Akbarism, the religion founded by the Emperor Akbar, which is called Din-i-ilahi, or the Divine Religion.

The source used is the the book Dabistan-i Mazahib (School of Religions) from the year 1655 CE, which is the primary historical source about this religion. All the non-italic text is from that book, from the chapter that describes the Divine Religion.

In the month Rajab of the year of the Hijra 987 [1579 CE], the Emperor Akbar was ordered by Heaven to fix the sentence: “There is but one God, and Akbar is his Khalifah” to be used.

If the people really wished it, they might adopt this religion; and his Majesty declared, that this religion ought to be established by choice, and not by violence.

Every person is permitted to profess whatever religion he chooses, and to pass, whenever he likes, from one religion to another.

The religion of Akbar is not based on the authority of his words or miracles, because neither exist, but on the opinion that is a true and good religion. For the propagation of the Divine Religion Akbar didn't send out preachers, but built the Ibadat Khana (The House of Piety) where all were invited- Jews, Christians, Hindus, Muslims, Zoroastians, Buddhists, Jains, all sorts of philosophers- to discuss and debate about which opinions are right and wrong.

What about Judaism, Christianity, Islam, Zoroastrianism, Hinduism? Read here.

How to adopt the Divine religion? Read here.